The following is a list of achievements in the game Forced.

List of Achievements[ | ]

Icon Name Description
A New Challenger Appears! A New Challenger Appears! Beat 8 challenges
¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! Beat 8 time challenges
Beat the Cow Level Beat the Cow Level Wrangle with Wrathhoof
Bejeweled Bejeweled Earn 25 Crystals
Brittle Bones Brittle Bones Maim Mordar
Challenge Accepted! Challenge Accepted! Beat 16 challenges
Challenge Completed! Challenge Completed! Beat 25 challenges
Freedom! Freedom! Complete FORCED (Good luck!)
Gladiator Gladiator Earn all crystals from the Survival modes
Gotta collect 'em all! Gotta collect 'em all! Earn 75 Crystals
Heart Attack Heart Attack Get Graw
High Voltage! High Voltage! Complete 10 trials with the Storm Bow
Hodor -Hodor "Hodor" -Hodor Hodor. Hodor hodor, hodor... Hodor!
I can do this all day! I can do this all day! Earn a Gold Crystal in a Survival mode
It’s Hammer time! It’s Hammer time! Complete 10 trials with the Volcanic Hammer
Mr. Ice Guy! Mr. Ice Guy! Complete 10 trials with the Ice Shield
Putting the Pro in Prospector Putting the Pro in Prospector Earn 50 Crystals
Slice and Dice! Slice and Dice! Complete 10 trials with the Spirit Claws
Speed Racer! Speed Racer! Beat 16 time challenges
Speed Racer! 25 Speed Racer! 25 Beat 25 time challenges
Staying Alive Staying Alive Earn a Silver Crystal in a Survival mode
Student of Pain Student of Pain Slay Slarth
Survivor Survivor Earn a Bronze Crystal in a Survival mode
Volatile Omelet Volatile Omelet Burst 100 Volatile Swarmer Eggs